Blockland Events 101 -Basics- First off, you will need to know basic eventing. To get to the event menu, you need to pull out your wrench, hit a brick that is yours, and at at the bottom of the Wrench Menu that has just appeared is an "Events" button. Click on it. Here you have the events screen. With events you can do a lot of stuff. You can make a brick shoot a projectile, make text appear, change the players datablock, or "Player Type," and much, much more. Now you will see one box with the number 0 and another box next to it. Ignore this right now for we do not need to worry about this right now. Right now, we are just going to make some text appear on the screen. First off, click on the blank box. You should see a bunch or options, and it might seem overwhelming, but don't worry. Click on the "OnActivate" text at the very top of all the other text, this should cause another menu to appear. Right now, we are going to click "Client," because we just want text to appear. Once again, there is another box, with more options. These options just define where the text will appear. Click any of these, and you should see an empty white box, this is where you will put the text; just put anything in this box. Congratulations, you have just completed your first event. All you have to do is click on the brick you just evented and the text will appear! Now we will explore the events more. For now we will stick with "OnActivate" for the first box. Now you have more options: Self, Player, Client, MiniGame, and . Self stands for the brick. Player is for the player that did whatever to the brick, in this case, clicked on the brick. Client is for stuff that appears on the screen, like text. MiniGame is like Client, only it shows text to all players in the MiniGame. Finally, if for brick that you have named in the Wrench menu. With , you can trigger events on certain bricks remotely. With each one of these options, there are more options for many events that you can do. You can now see how many events are possible in Blockland. But don't worry, soon you will be able to do these with ease.